Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Well after the pretty little thing was sitting in the driveway for 3 weeks she finally got her chines wet on what I consider one of the best rivers in the west. The Big Horn! As usual going back means hanging in town for a hour or two catching up with good friends and such. This trip was also special due the fact that this place was where my wife and I spent some of the best pre-kid years and had a blast her for 4 summers together. This trip we also go the see the new and improved Bighorn Trout Shop. This was my home away from home for since I was 10 or so and had some of the best times of my life as we as meet some of the best people in the world here. It was a little emotional not seeing all the old photos on the wall and just the newness of it all but Steve, JJ, Hale and Shelly did a great job. After the shuttle was paid for and some leaders purchased we said i good byes and off to 3 mile access we went. After a quick baptism in river we set off to see if we could find any trout. As I sat across from the take out and rigged up two nymph rods and a Dry fly rod , I realized that in the last 7 years i had lost some the the patience I had at one time and that the name of the boat, The Serenity Now, was very very appropriate. As we headed down the river we started to see plenty of fish rising and my beautiful girls let daddy stick a few while they made forts in the bow of the boat. My wife also got the feel back and started sticking some nice Bighorn Pigs after a few fly changes. Al in all it was a great start to a great weekend. after getting out at 13 mile access ( Bighorn ) we headed off to the Collins Ranch for some family fun and a some 7 and 7's with just a little water, lots of ice and just a splash of 7 up on top.

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